Wednesday 14 December 2011


Hi ladies,

I haven't been updating my blog lately, Yes I know. :( It was due to the overwhelming report submission and exams. I had to do up 4 reports in 2 weeks, and right after the last submission of report, there is one paper waiting for me.literally waiting for me.

It was so tense up till I almost gave up studying for my last paper. But oh well, you know we can't do that no matter how tired we are, isn't it? HAHA!

So yeah, managed to do my paper, hopefully the numbers filled in the formula are the right ones! :/

Anyway, be upset! cause I just let go a few pieces of rare pieces I have in my selling post! Will be updating later after this post. Hopefully I could come up with a few more pieces to sell! :) So do watch out for my selling post! :D
Loves, Jocelyn

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