Wednesday 31 July 2013

Saturday 27 July 2013


Hello for a quick update. :)

Today I went to help out at sissy's friend shop "Massive" at scape underground. The crowd was really slow in the early afternoon and I was so bored. But there weren't internet so I didn't want to use my iPad to blog. Luckily sissy downloaded some show so at least I was being entertained. Slowly the crowd start to build up even though it was still quite slow being it located in town area and it is a saturday afternoon. Might be because of the rainy weather. Time passed, well, quite fast. May be because I was watching the shows. Working there has also enlightened me that most Singaporeans do not smile or give eye contact to the shop keeper which I think caused shop keeper to be unfriendly? or is it vice-versa? I don't know, but I was feeling so annoyed when people just come in looking all arrogant, not looking at you, flipping the clothing as if they owe her big bucks, because you can at least give me an eye contact because I am not invisible you know ya, that is basic courtesy yo. (I need to control I know. :/)

I can proudly say this because I am a nice customer when I enter into the shop! Usually I smile to those sales attendants when they bother to look at me when I enter the shop. Unless you're those who are standing there faking ignorance about my existence then I will just leave the store because I feel that I am not welcome. LOL. We really need to improve the standard of service in Singapore or tourists will really get deterred by the lousy attitude when they come to shop!

So.. what do you do when you're bored? Camwhore of course! HAHA! :)


Friday 26 July 2013


40th posts already! YAY! :D

Yesterday my parcel came on my bed(mum put on my bed) but I was home late so I had to force myself to sleep even though I was all over excited with my new hauls. HAHAHA! I definitely spent a lot as I have mentioned previously, like about $200+ going $300? *jaw drop*

Even that was really too much, but I am still very very happy with my haul! xD The very first that I love would be the Too Faced Boudoir Eyeshadows!! The very first Too Faced item that I own!

This is from Too Faced Boudoir Beauty 2013 Spring Collection. As you can see the color are mainly cool tones which are really suitable for spring time look. :) I bought this palette because I simply love the color combination it has. Like "Voulez-Vouz" a really pretty dark purple which I think would be great for a every day look to smokey eye. I also love "In The Buff" a matte cream shade which is perfect for highlighting inner corner, brow bone or even use as a highlighter on your nose bridge! :) (Love how it is matte in color!) Not to forget their casing which I think will be super durable! It is actually metal casing with magnetic clasp & it is smaller than the usual palettes which I think would be great for travel! :)

Next up would be the Bareminerals concealer! 

I got the shade medium which is perfect for my skin! :D Great choice Jocelyn! HAHAHAH! I bought this for my under eye which I read wasn't too bad for the eye. I have been looking for a cream base concealer as the previous concealers that I owned for my under eye are all liquid base. I tried it on the visible veins on my arms and it did cover really well! Which gave me a shock, because I didn't expect it to have such great coverage. Still, I have to try it on my under eye before I can comment on anything more. :D I'll update again! ^^

& of course, I had packed my makeup case and filled them up with my new haulllllsss! YAY. ;D

It really is going to overflow soon. Luckily I banned myself from getting anymore make up or skin care products other than the essence gel eyeliner which I will be getting after my maybelline one dry up. :) If you want to see more of my haul, view it through my instavideo here ! :)

I'll update soon tomorrow! PS: I'll be going down to sissy shop to help out so I will be really free. Let see what stupid things I will be doing tomorrow. xD


Thursday 25 July 2013


A quick post because Jeremy said I haven't post for long. HAHAHAH. I didn't know he actually stalked me on the blog! He also commented on how bad my english was! >:(

But oh well, I will forgive him because he was really nice today. Waited for me to end work and also pre-booked the wolverine's movie tickets that I was all over-excited with! YAY. Luckily he pre-booked because when we reached there, it was already sold out for the earlier timing. LOVE HIM! :) What else can I say to have such great boyfriend. :) (He must be super happy reading all this. HAHAHAH)

& I have to sleep now because he is also going to kill me. I have work tomorrow at 8am and iamsogoingtodie because iamstillnotasleepnow. Noooooo! Good night. 

Small randomness* Cute Huiqian got punished because she don't want to sleep. HAHAHHA. But well, we ended up patting her to sleep. LOL. 


Sunday 21 July 2013


 I have always wanted a pair of heels like this. Have searched high and low for the perfect pair of heels at the correct price. I found few pairs before that but it was really expensive. :( So didn't get my hand on them. Then launched this pair of heels and I immediately got a pair. :) Then also launched this super pretty gorgeous glass-heels-like pair of heels, so I couldn't resist and got another pair. :/ (Iknowicannotdothis,butwell.) This is really insane because I bought this other pair of flatforms from together with lovebonito one.

I totally adore these 3 pairs of heels a lot! :D Especially one. Even though I have not receive them yet because I was on the backorder list. :( I love the leather material and of course the glass detail on the heel part! Totally a dream pair and definitely going to match every single piece of clothing I have. (okay, most. HAHA) Hopefully it is not too tall/unstable as I don't usually wear heels. one is also really a gorgeous pair. A perfect height for me, 3". :) But I think the strap in front is way too skinny for my big feet. :( Have to really adjust it properly to look good on my huge feet. But I think it will look super glamorous on girls with slim and smaller feet. :) one is so stunning! The color is great and exactly true to the picture shown. I really like owner, Meiting because she is so ever friendly (and maybe because she is from TP too!)! I have purchased with them for more than a year already since 2012. I actually know through when they first started collaborating and I have been purchasing flats, sandals heels since then! I really like how have unique designs that they manufacture for themselves, unique color which is totally awesome and definitely sizes for people with bigger feet like me! used to sell only platforms or sandals but they are growing better when they started selling heels and flatforms now! They also import many different and unique designs in to satisfy girls like me who prefer wearing something more unique than can be find everywhere.

 I also bought this floral romper from theclosetlover recently because I totally adore the color and prints! romper have been in trend for so so long and don't seem to get out of trend. I never really like to wear romper because most of them make my butt look big. This piece is really gorgeous be it the cutting or color. It also comes in sizes so you can find the perfect fit for you. :)

& the last piece I got was from Wasn't something that I am expecting from them be it the material or cutting but when worn, it looks fine. :) I like shopping at runway bandits because of their unique and in trend style of clothing available. Hopefully they can maintain a standard of quality in all their clothing so shopping with them would be happier! :D

Friday 19 July 2013


I feel happy today. :) I was told to take K1 class today and it is my first time the older class. I was not very prepared at first, because I was told last minute but lucky everything went well. :) The children are really good at drawing and I am really happy to see that they are able to finish their task well. :)

I also prepared a game for them and it feel so great that they all love to play. :D I made a simple play card showing red man and green man (traffic lights). Then I assign children to be either pedestrians or vehicles. They did enjoy themselves I can tell. :D One thing for me to take note is that I need to control their noise level very well when I am doing games with them or they will start to be rowdy and they will also start shouting! I also learnt that I have to set rules before that and always remind them to let them follow it throughout the game.

I really feel great when I see children are able to learn from what I have planned for them. I feel really good about it, as if they have grew better in my hand. :)

All in all, I am really blessed to be able to work as a childcare teacher even though I missed this opportunity to study the diploma 3 years ago. This job really makes one feel very happy. :D

Jocelyn :)

Wednesday 17 July 2013


Today was a tired day for me. It seems like there is so many things for me to do at work. & the children are never easy to handle (yes i know that from the beginning but it so upsetting, so demoralizing when your kid said, "i don't want you" even though you know they don't mean it, it's just because you're making them doing something they don't want). There are times when you just want to give up, but you know you just love your job too much to give up.

I am glad my boyfriend was there when I was so upset, so tired and so wanting to give up. Just a few simple sentences, a little little bit of care and love make me feel warm and want to stand up to try again. :) I am really happy that he is always there for me when I need him. (i love you dear)

Today was also some tough day for him and I really want to give him my love and care. Hopefully this tiny bit of love can help to cheer him up a little! :)

Never give up on anything easily because the starting is never easy. :) All the best to all of you on whatever things you are doing! :) LOVE, XOXO.


Tuesday 16 July 2013


Updating from work! :) The children are all sleeping now, where they all look like angels. HAHA. :D I really miss the time when i'm the children, and I would be sleeping now! It really sucks to be a grown up now. :( Why is it when we are young we want to grow up and now when we are a grown up, we want to go back young. Isn't it reluctant?

Life is always like that, we don't treasure when we have it and we want it back, miss it when it is gone. We really need to learn to treasure our love ones, especially family members. It is really a mix feeling when you are slowly growing up and at the same time your parents are slowly growing old too.

My grandma said something upseting to me the other day when I told her that she must be there when I have my child, so my child can call her greatgrandmother. She said that she is afraid  by that time she is already not around. I'm really scared and upset when I heard this. Even though it is the way where one will grow old and eventually leave, but I never thought it would be so fast and especially it is someone whom you love so much.

This is why I really want to treasure every moment with my grand parents, my parents and family. Because you never know what will happen the next day. It is always an unknown, which makes it really scary.

I'll end here for now, because Elliot woke up already. HAHA! :) i'll update this post with him listening to songs using my earpiece. 😁

Jocelyn :)

Monday 15 July 2013


Hope you love the song that I have just added in! :)

I especially love the first songs and of course the other FTisland songs! :D


photo credits: online


I'm back to update! :)

Last Saturday and Sunday was really something for me. Saturday I went down to SEED Institute to attend a class that my school organized. It was about drama therapy that we can pick up ideas to apply in our teaching. I like the fact that I was with my colleagues and it was the first time I actually talk to all of them. (When we were in school, we were all too busy and cannot really talk to each other. :() 

Little monsters my colleague and I made during the class! :D Was part of the interaction! We aren't playing! HAHAHA! 

Then after that, I rushed down to find sissy at cineleisure. She was helping out at her friend's store! Do check out their blog, ! :) It's a online shop selling clothing, shoes and even caps! They are newly open at scape's basement1. 

We waited for my sissy's friend to come and take over her before we head all the way down to woodlands to meet up with my family and cousins to have dinner together at shabusai! I did mentioned in the previous email right? ^^ The food there was pretty good! :) Meat were really fresh as you only order from them when you want to, not those that places the meat outside. I forgot to take pictures of them because I was too hungry. HAHA! :D Not to mention, the soup base is really good too! :) *You can pick two soup base too!

Sunday was all about party! First head down to Chevron at Jurong East to join my boyfriend's cousin party! The mum organized a bowling party so the kids can experience playing bowling! I took videos of them playing bowling, do check them out on my instagram! (@jocelynyzl) :) & my boyfriend and I went off at about 5+ to quickly head down to Pasir Ris for my daddy's birthday celebration! :D

Cute xuanxuan with her little "halo". :D

Took this before we head down to Pasir Ris! :D

& my family! :D With my little cousin (my daddy's godson).

I'll then end here now! :) 
Jocelyn :)

Friday 12 July 2013


Did some little changes to the blog if you have realized. :) & what is this? I haven't been writing for ages! I don't know when did I stop writing and I totally forgot why. haha.

I am back to writing because I feel that this can really help me in my writing skills and hopefully I can improve in my vocabulary too! So I will try my very best to learn new words and add into my blog post. :) Need to buck up on my english as I will be attending this course "Early Childhood Care & Education" under SEED Institution and it requires me to go for another english test as I previously got a C6. :(

Also, this would be a platform where I can also share more photos, thoughts and also may be my outfit of the day if possible! PS: So I wouldn't spam instagram so badly. HAHA. (Tearing smiley face) <- love using this emoticon I swear.

Alright, some quick updates too. Tomorrow would be a special class that my school had arrange for the teachers to attend, which is also my first class related to ECH! *yayness* I am pretty excited as it would be a good start for me to understand and also relate me to what I will be attending soon before my school start. After which, I will head down to woodlands to have dinner with my family! We are going to have japanese steamboat buffet! *yummy* I will try to upload some photos of the good food over here if I have the time! :) & we will also be staying over at my cousin house, to reminisce good old childhood where we used to sleep together.

So that is all for today! I will update soon. (hopefully, cross fingers*)
