Friday 12 July 2013


Did some little changes to the blog if you have realized. :) & what is this? I haven't been writing for ages! I don't know when did I stop writing and I totally forgot why. haha.

I am back to writing because I feel that this can really help me in my writing skills and hopefully I can improve in my vocabulary too! So I will try my very best to learn new words and add into my blog post. :) Need to buck up on my english as I will be attending this course "Early Childhood Care & Education" under SEED Institution and it requires me to go for another english test as I previously got a C6. :(

Also, this would be a platform where I can also share more photos, thoughts and also may be my outfit of the day if possible! PS: So I wouldn't spam instagram so badly. HAHA. (Tearing smiley face) <- love using this emoticon I swear.

Alright, some quick updates too. Tomorrow would be a special class that my school had arrange for the teachers to attend, which is also my first class related to ECH! *yayness* I am pretty excited as it would be a good start for me to understand and also relate me to what I will be attending soon before my school start. After which, I will head down to woodlands to have dinner with my family! We are going to have japanese steamboat buffet! *yummy* I will try to upload some photos of the good food over here if I have the time! :) & we will also be staying over at my cousin house, to reminisce good old childhood where we used to sleep together.

So that is all for today! I will update soon. (hopefully, cross fingers*)


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