Thursday 25 July 2013


A quick post because Jeremy said I haven't post for long. HAHAHAH. I didn't know he actually stalked me on the blog! He also commented on how bad my english was! >:(

But oh well, I will forgive him because he was really nice today. Waited for me to end work and also pre-booked the wolverine's movie tickets that I was all over-excited with! YAY. Luckily he pre-booked because when we reached there, it was already sold out for the earlier timing. LOVE HIM! :) What else can I say to have such great boyfriend. :) (He must be super happy reading all this. HAHAHAH)

& I have to sleep now because he is also going to kill me. I have work tomorrow at 8am and iamsogoingtodie because iamstillnotasleepnow. Noooooo! Good night. 

Small randomness* Cute Huiqian got punished because she don't want to sleep. HAHAHHA. But well, we ended up patting her to sleep. LOL. 


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