Monday 15 July 2013


I'm back to update! :)

Last Saturday and Sunday was really something for me. Saturday I went down to SEED Institute to attend a class that my school organized. It was about drama therapy that we can pick up ideas to apply in our teaching. I like the fact that I was with my colleagues and it was the first time I actually talk to all of them. (When we were in school, we were all too busy and cannot really talk to each other. :() 

Little monsters my colleague and I made during the class! :D Was part of the interaction! We aren't playing! HAHAHA! 

Then after that, I rushed down to find sissy at cineleisure. She was helping out at her friend's store! Do check out their blog, ! :) It's a online shop selling clothing, shoes and even caps! They are newly open at scape's basement1. 

We waited for my sissy's friend to come and take over her before we head all the way down to woodlands to meet up with my family and cousins to have dinner together at shabusai! I did mentioned in the previous email right? ^^ The food there was pretty good! :) Meat were really fresh as you only order from them when you want to, not those that places the meat outside. I forgot to take pictures of them because I was too hungry. HAHA! :D Not to mention, the soup base is really good too! :) *You can pick two soup base too!

Sunday was all about party! First head down to Chevron at Jurong East to join my boyfriend's cousin party! The mum organized a bowling party so the kids can experience playing bowling! I took videos of them playing bowling, do check them out on my instagram! (@jocelynyzl) :) & my boyfriend and I went off at about 5+ to quickly head down to Pasir Ris for my daddy's birthday celebration! :D

Cute xuanxuan with her little "halo". :D

Took this before we head down to Pasir Ris! :D

& my family! :D With my little cousin (my daddy's godson).

I'll then end here now! :) 
Jocelyn :)

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