Saturday 17 August 2013


No idea what to update on the blog recently. Time has been like this for the past few weeks. I did went for a long walk with mummy and her friends on National Day (9th August) where we actually walk from Macritchie Reservoir all the way down to Bukit Timah Road. That was quite something for me. My first 10km walk, not the road path but on the bumpy rocks in the forest. I really like that feeling, like I am breathing in the fresh air in the forest, enjoying my footsteps, not thinking anything much, separating myself from the busy world outside and just enjoying the scenery. :)

Wanted to join the walking trip today as well, but mum said that she was too tired so we ended up resting at home. I finally went back watching running man again, and finished 3 episodes right away, HAHAHA. I haven't been able to rot like this for quite a few weeks or maybe 1 or 2 months after my work start. Usually the weekends are packed with meeting up my friends, or even going to sister's friend shop, aunt shop to help out.

Shall relax myself a bit, for the sake of my brain and body to be healthy. ;D

I will update again tomorrow if I remember to. Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday and we will be going down to my auntie shop to celebrate again! (Oh well, I guess we will end up helping out. :/)

So Ciao, (my childcare student's father always say that to me ;D)


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