Sunday 23 October 2011


Oh dear. It's the 3rd post without photos, it's just plain boring isn't it? Like the world without colours. BORING!

Random: "Are all teenagers nowadays like me? Can't really live without a comp. After a few days?"

I'm not those serious extreme type, just, it feels uncomfortable to use only iphone. It's diffcult to look at collections and to update my blog frequently. Especially when i LOVE having posts w PHOTOS! LOTS! :(

Anyway, i finally get to meet jaslynn & Joanne and the guys out! :) havent meet them for quite some time w all attending. Cause the guys are still in the army, and really diff at times to meet up, especially when one by one are attached! HAHA! :) today, i wore this pair of feather earringa i got from yesterday's halloween flea at mountbaten, organized by the CCs. Was there to help out. Will upload photos real soon! Going to collect my laptop tomorrow! Getting a little side track, I wanted to say, jaslynn and I both wore feather earrings! Plainly coincidence! :) mine was pure white, w colourful beads as contrast. While hers was leopard prints! :) both were lovely! Giving diff feel. :)

And after movie w them, went over to grandma house, and the kids start w some gun fights! W toy guns that shoots bullets! I swear it can be painful! So i hide behind the door and became the "referee". While deardear join in the fun w all his command, "cover cover" "headshot"! Guys, went through army are all like tt. HAHA.

Alright, "suppose" to be one short post.

With loves, Jocelyn

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