Tuesday 11 October 2011


Just came back from King's Shoes Manufacturing, to get my Culinary Science shoes! :) It's really hard, and mum says I can even kick away dropping knife! HAHA!

And, girls out there! Do show some appreciation to all the Singpost uncles aunties out there when you receive your package!! It's already 4PM when I took this photos, and these uncles are only otw out to deliver the packages again. It's maybe their 2nd or 3rd or even 4th trip of the day already!! Look at the amount of packages and mails that even the thing is overflowing!

So, if you ever mail out a package, or even an envelope, write a small little "Thank you" to them, and they will surely be glad and it will definitely make their day! :) Be thankful that we have these people out there! :)

With loves, Jocelyn

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