Sunday 30 October 2011


Took Basic Theory Trial Test today and also upgrade mine to Manual Practical Course! :)

I'll need to apply PDL before I can book a Practical lesson. Ugly bits. :( Why SSDC is so troublesome? And, I'm very sad cause my friends, some who even signed up later than me, had their practical lessons start already!! And me?! Still stuck at my BTT which is on 2Nov. == How irritating is that..

I just want to faster finish my BTT, and start practical lessons!! Since thurs will always be free for me, I'll have practical lessons on ALL thurs, and maybe weekends. :) Will have that plan again, and have to book SUPER early. Everything is being dragged, so disappointing. :(

And, guess what?! I bought stickers to paste on my laptop!!! Check out my twitter, cause I don't have the photo in my computer. Didn't have the time to upload it.

So alright, I'm ending here. A short post today! :)

With loves, Jocelyn

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