Wednesday 26 October 2011


Waiting for dad to come back, but he is not back yet. :( Mum said he'll be back by 2+PM and we'll head down to Novena to shop. But till now.. :( I'm so bored at home.
Anyway, I've got bitten by the ants on the back of my thighs. :( it's really huge and red. Was really itchy few days ago, but it's better now already. Just that it's still very red, and deardear said that it looks like a birthmark on my thigh. :( Looks so ugly! ==

Other than that, Culinary Science was fun yesterday! :) We learnt to cut the vegetables, and chef cooked egg for us to eat. Suppose to be TASTE though. :/ Chef can really make beautiful and nice egg! Even though she did not add any seasoning, it taste good! Or is it because we were all hungry? :/

And, i'll always remember what is Battonet. It's by cutting the vegetables into 6cm long * 6mm wide * 6mm breadth. It can really kill me! But well, need to practice hard!! It's going to be in the test I'm going to have on the 4th week!

Here, take a look at my uniform! :) Am looking forward to Culinary Science next week! :)

With loves, Jocelyn

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